From (Copyright Refsnes Data)

XSL-FO page-number-citation Object


Definition and Usage

The <fo:page-number-citation> object references the page-number for the page that contains the first normal area returned by the cited object.

The cited page-number is the number of the page containing, as a descendant, the first normal area returned with an id matching the ref-id of the <fo:page-number-citation>.

This object can be used to provide the page-numbers in the table of contents, cross-references, and indexes.




Property [A-J] Property [K-Z]
azimuth keep-with-next
alignment-adjust keep-with-previous
alignment-baseline left
background-attachment letter-spacing
background-color line-height
background-image margin-bottom
background-repeat margin-left
background-position-horizontal margin-right
background-position-vertical margin-top
baseline-shift padding-after
border-after-color padding-before
border-after-style padding-bottom
border-after-width padding-end
border-before-color padding-left
border-before-style padding-right
border-before-width padding-start
border-bottom-color padding-top
border-bottom-style pause-after
border-bottom-width pause-before
border-end-color pitch
border-end-style pitch-range
border-end-width play-during
border-left-color ref-id
border-left-style relative-position
border-left-width richness
border-right-color right
border-right-style role
border-right-width score-spaces
border-start-color source-document
border-start-style space-end
border-start-width space-start
border-top-color speak
border-top-style speak-header
border-top-width speak-numeral
bottom speak-punctuation
cue-after speech-rate
cue-before stress
dominant-baseline text-altitude
elevation text-decoration
font-family text-depth
font-selection-strategy text-shadow
font-size text-transform
font-size-adjust top
font-stretch visibility
font-style voice-family
font-variant volume
font-weight word-spacing
id wrap-option


From (Copyright Refsnes Data)