From (Copyright Refsnes Data)

CSS Margin

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The CSS margin properties define the space around elements.


All the margin properties in one declaration
This example demonstrates how to set a shorthand property for setting all of the margin properties in one declaration.

Set the top margin of a text using a cm value
This example demonstrates how to set the top margin of a text using a cm value.

Set the top margin of a text using a percent value
This example demonstrates how to set the top margin of a text using a percent value.

Set the bottom margin of a text using a cm value
This example demonstrates how to set the bottom margin of a text using a cm value.

Set the bottom margin of a text using a percent value
This example demonstrates how to set the bottom margin of a text using a percent value.

Set the left margin of a text using a cm value
This example demonstrates how to set the left margin of a text using a cm value.

Set the left margin of a text using a percent value
This example demonstrates how to set the left margin of a text using a percent value.

Set the right margin of a text using a cm value
This example demonstrates how to set the right margin of a text using a cm value.

Set the right margin of a text using a percent value
This example demonstrates how to set the right margin of a text using a percent value.

CSS Margin Properties

The CSS margin properties define the space around elements. It is possible to use negative values to overlap content. The top, right, bottom, and left margin can be changed independently using separate properties. A shorthand margin property can also be used to change all of the margins at once.

Note: Netscape and IE give the body tag a default margin of 8px. Opera does not! Instead, Opera applies a default padding of 8px, so if one wants to adjust the margin for an entire page and have it display correctly in Opera, the body padding must be set as well!

Browser support: IE: Internet Explorer, F: Firefox, N: Netscape.

W3C: The number in the "W3C" column indicates in which CSS recommendation the property is defined (CSS1 or CSS2).

Property Description Values IE F N W3C
margin A shorthand property for setting the margin properties in one declaration margin-top
4 1 4 1


Sets the bottom margin of an element auto
4 1 4 1


Sets the left margin of an element auto
3 1 4 1


Sets the right margin of an element auto
3 1 4 1
margin-top Sets the top margin of an element auto
3 1 4 1

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From (Copyright Refsnes Data)