From (Copyright Refsnes Data)

XML DOM - The DocumentType Object

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The DocumentType object provides an interface to the entities defined for an XML document.

The DocumentType object

Each document has a DOCTYPE attribute that whose value is either null or a DocumentType object.

The DocumentType object provides an interface to the entities defined for an XML document.

IE: Internet Explorer, F: Firefox, O: Opera, W3C: World Wide Web Consortium (Internet Standard)

DocumentType Object Properties

Property Description IE F O W3C
entities Returns a NamedNodeMap containing the entities declared in the DTD 6 No 9 Yes
internalSubset Returns the internal DTD as a string No No No Yes
name Returns the name of the DTD 6 1 9 Yes
notations Returns a NamedNodeMap containing the notations declared in the DTD 6 No 9 Yes
systemId Returns the system identifier of the external DTD No 1 9 Yes

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From (Copyright Refsnes Data)