From (Copyright Refsnes Data)

HTML DOM Window Object

Window Object

The Window object is the top level object in the JavaScript hierarchy.

The Window object represents a browser window.

A Window object is created automatically with every instance of a <body> or <frameset> tag.

IE: Internet Explorer, F: Firefox, O: Opera.

Window Object Collections

Collection Description IE F O
frames[] Returns all named frames in the window 4 1 9

Window Object Properties

Property Description IE  F O
closed Returns whether or not a window has been closed 4 1 9
defaultStatus Sets or returns the default text in the statusbar of the window 4 No 9
document See Document object 4 1 9
history See History object 4 1 9
length Sets or returns the number of frames in the window 4 1 9
location See Location object 4 1 9
name Sets or returns the name of the window 4 1 9
opener Returns a reference to the window that created the window 4 1 9
outerHeight Sets or returns the outer height of a window No 1 No
outerWidth Sets or returns the outer width of a window No 1 No
pageXOffset Sets or returns the X position of the current page in relation to the upper left corner of a window's display area No No No
pageYOffset Sets or returns the Y position of the current page in relation to the upper left corner of a window's display area No No No
parent Returns the parent window 4 1 9
personalbar Sets whether or not the browser's personal bar (or directories bar) should be visible      
scrollbars Sets whether or not the scrollbars should be visible      
self Returns a reference to the current window 4 1 9
status Sets the text in the statusbar of a window 4 No 9
statusbar Sets whether or not the browser's statusbar should be visible      
toolbar Sets whether or not the browser's tool bar is visible or not (can only be set before the window is opened and you must have UniversalBrowserWrite privilege)      
top Returns the topmost ancestor window 4 1 9

Window Object Methods

Method Description IE F O
alert() Displays an alert box with a message and an OK button 4 1 9
blur() Removes focus from the current window 4 1 9
clearInterval() Cancels a timeout set with setInterval() 4 1 9
clearTimeout() Cancels a timeout set with setTimeout() 4 1 9
close() Closes the current window 4 1 9
confirm() Displays a dialog box with a message and an OK and a Cancel button 4 1 9
createPopup() Creates a pop-up window 4 No No
focus() Sets focus to the current window 4 1 9
moveBy() Moves a window relative to its current position 4 1 9
moveTo() Moves a window to the specified position 4 1 9
open() Opens a new browser window 4 1 9
print() Prints the contents of the current window 5 1 9
prompt() Displays a dialog box that prompts the user for input 4 1 9
resizeBy() Resizes a window by the specified pixels 4 1 9
resizeTo() Resizes a window to the specified width and height 4 1.5 9
scrollBy() Scrolls the content by the specified number of pixels 4 1 9
scrollTo() Scrolls the content to the specified coordinates 4 1 9
setInterval() Evaluates an expression at specified intervals 4 1 9
setTimeout() Evaluates an expression after a specified number of milliseconds 4 1 9

From (Copyright Refsnes Data)