From (Copyright Refsnes Data)

JavaScript RegExp Object Reference

The RegExp Object

The regular expression object describes a pattern of characters.

Syntax for creating a RegExp object:

var txt=new RegExp(pattern,attributes);
var txt=/pattern/attributes;

RegExp Object Properties

FF: Firefox, N: Netscape, IE: Internet Explorer

Property Description FF N IE
global Specifies if the "g" modifier is set 1 4 4
ignoreCase Specifies if the "i" modifier is set 1 4 4
input The string on which the pattern match is performed 1 4 4
lastIndex An integer specifying the index at which to start the next match 1 4 4
lastMatch The last matched characters 1 4 4
lastParen The last matched parenthesized substring 1 4 4
leftContext The substring in front of the characters most recently matched 1 4 4
multiline Specifies if the "m" modifier is set 1 4 4
prototype Allows you to add properties and methods to the object 1 4 4
rightContext The substring after the characters most recently matched 1 4 4
source The text used for pattern matching 1 4 4

RegExp Object Methods

Method Description FF N IE
compile() Change the regular expression 1 4 4
exec() Search a string for a specified value. Returns the found value and remembers the position 1 4 4
test() Search a string for a specified value. Returns true or false 1 4 4

String Object Methods that supports Regular Expressions

Method Description FF N IE
search() Search a string for a specified value. Returns the position of the value 1 4 4
match() Search a string for a specified value. Returns an array of the found value(s) 1 4 4
replace() Replace characters with other characters 1 4 4
split() Split a string into an array of strings 1 4 4

RegExp Modifiers

Modifier Description FF N IE
i Perform case-insensitive matching 1 4 4
g Perform a global match. Find all matches (do not stop after the first match) 1 4 4
gi Perform a global case-insensitive match. Find all matches (do not stop after the first match) 1 4 4
m Perform multiline matching 1 4 4

RegExp Modifiers

Property Description FF N IE
Position Matching
^ Get a match at the beginning of a string 1 4 4
$ Get a match at the end of a string 1 4 4
\b Word boundary. Get a match at the beginning or end of a word in the string 1 4 4
\B Non-word boundary. Get a match when it is not at the beginning or end of a word in the string 1 4 4
?= A positive look ahead. Get a match if a string is followed by a specific string 1 4 4
?! A negative look ahead. Get a match if a string is not followed by a specific string 1 4 4
\0 Find a NULL character 1 4 4
\n Find a new line character 1 4 4
\f Find a form feed character 1 4 4
\r Find a carriage return character 1 4 4
\t Find a tab character 1 4 4
\v Find a vertical tab character 1 4 4
\xxx Find the ASCII character expressed by the octal number xxx 1 4 4
\xdd Find the ASCII character expressed by the hex number dd 1 4 4
\uxxxx Find the ASCII character expressed by the UNICODE xxxx 1 4 4
Character Classes
[xyz] Find any character in the specified character set 1 4 4
[^xyz] Find any character not in the specified character set 1 4 4
. (dot) Find any character except newline or line terminator 1 4 4
\w Find any alphanumeric character including the underscore 1 4 4
\W Find any non-word character 1 4 4
\d Find any single digit 1 4 4
\D Find any non-digit 1 4 4
\s Find any single space character 1 4 4
\S Find any single non-space character 1 4 4
{x} Finds the exact (x) number of the regular expression grouped together 1 4 4
{x,} Finds the exact (x) or more number of the regular expression grouped together 1 4 4
{x,y} Finds between x and y number of the regular expression grouped together 1 4 4
? Finds zero or one occurrence of the regular expression 1 4 4
* Finds zero or more occurrences of the regular expression 1 4 4
+ Finds one or more occurrences of the regular expression 1 4 4
( ) Finds the group of characters inside the parentheses and stores the matched string 1 4 4
(?: ) Finds the group of characters inside the parentheses but does not store the matched string  1 4 4
| Combines clauses into one regular expression and then matches any of the individual clauses. Similar to "OR" statement 1 4 4
Back references
( )\n Back reference. Uses the stored matched string. i.e. from the ( ) modifier 1 4 4

From (Copyright Refsnes Data)